úterý 18. září 2012

Dotazník APARSEN - What is the state of digital preservation in your organisation?

APARSEN (Alliance for Permanent Access to the Records of Science in Europe Network), a project that runs under the ICT directorate of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION aims to produce a study which evaluates digital preservation in terms of importance, value, benefits, currents activities, costs and future involvement among European libraries, archives and research organizations.

This survey is aimed at individuals who are either actively engaged in digital preservation or can comment on the state of the digital preservation activity (or lack of) within their organization from a strategic perspective.

The results of the survey should allow us to build a picture of the state of digital preservation and related challenges in libraries and archives across Europe. This picture will help to create a roadmap to inform future actions to ensure that our organizations can position themselves to address the challenges of digital preservation into the future.

This is a user-friendly survey which you should be able to complete within 20 minutes.

To begin, please click the survey URL below:


We would like to inform you that the survey results will not reflect any particular company perspective as gathered results will be treated in an anonymous way in compliance with the Data Protection Act.